Listrak, the retail industry’s leading customer engagement platform, announces the expansion of international text message marketing to the United Kingdom and Australia. The new integration allows clients to take full advantage of the platform’s robust SMS capabilities to connect with audiences in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Australia.

Listrak’s platform is equipped to automatically manage compliance requirements, and messages can be sent using a dedicated short or long code. The release also includes the functionality from our recent launch of the OpenAI-powered AI Assistant, which uses Generative AI technology to generate SMS copy.

On the new release, Listrak CEO Ross Kramer said, “Consumers worldwide are spending increasingly more time clicking, swiping and shopping on their mobile devices, and as a result, text message marketing has become one of the fastest-growing channels in retail. Our clients have seen ongoing performance, growth and revenue lifts with their text message marketing programs, and our global expansion provides even greater opportunity to succeed in partnership with Listrak.”

Research confirms the exponential growth of SMS in international markets. For an example, a survey by Listrak partner Yotpo found that more than 70% of UK consumers are signed on to receive text message marketing programs from at least one brand, with nearly 75% of that audience opting to receive messaging from multiple brands. Those programs include early access to new releases, transactional updates, and personalized recommendations, to name a few.

Listrak will continue our international push with rapid expansion of text marketing support in New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany, and France. 

Just like in the U.S., Listrak has a pulse on compliance matters and policy changes and is prepared to help clients navigate these waters. For more information about international text message marketing capabilities, visit

About Listrak

Listrak delivers results for more than 1,000 retailers and brands by providing best-in-class email, text message marketing, identity resolution marketing and push notifications through seamless cross-channel orchestration. Listrak’s data-first approach delivers 1:1 personalization at scale so messages can be sent at precisely the right time across the right combination of channels and devices to maximize customer engagement, revenue, and lifetime value.

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