About JR Cigar

For the adult seasoned cigar aficionado on the hunt for an unforgettable smoke or the newcomer with a developing palate, JR Cigar is your place for an extraordinary smoking experience. Our dedicated staff of cigar experts has gathered a gigantic, unrivaled inventory of fine cigars, accessories like  humidors and lighters, as well as domestic/imported pipe tobacco to accommodate your distinct tastes.

The Listrak partnership continues to grow just as our business has with their guidance and expertise.  GXP has been a great addition to our acquisition arsenal.”
-Sasha Infante, Director of eCommerce, JR Cigar

Client Challenge

JR Cigar has seen the value of the six-plus year Listrak partnership, benefiting from personalized account management strategies that continue to grow revenue    with solutions such as Listrak’s Predictive Analytics and Alert Suite. JR Cigar set a goal to grow their acquisition and turned to Listrak’s new GXP program for quick results.


JR Cigar has immediately experienced great results with GXP with a 53% increase in opt-ins since launch.


Increase in Daily Opt-Ins