Automated emails can help you convert your leads into shoppers and your past purchasers into loyal customers, which is why you need to know the best ways to leverage your automated – or drip – campaigns. 

For starters, drip marketing means sending automatic emails to a targeted audience at a specific time, based on certain actions the users take. The emails are previously written and set to trigger in response to what the lead or customer was doing. A good example is a shopping cart abandonment campaign! Emails are sent automatically to those users who added products to their carts but didn’t purchase. 

However, setting up your drip campaigns can feel tricky. We all recognize that as users, we don’t want to receive tons of marketing emails that don’t even have relevant information, right?

Here are some of our best practices for automated messages that can boost sales and build a better relationship with your audience:

  1. Adapt your emails to specific segments of your audience. Creating emails with tailored information for different segments will promote a higher user engagement. Users are more likely to read what you’re sending them if it fits their interests or matches with past actions they’ve taken in your site.
  2. Ensure the content of your emails is still relevant. It is recommended to periodically review every automated series you have created to make sure they don’t have outdated information and they are still useful for your subscribers.
  3. Clean your email lists. Remember how important it is to reach out to the right audiences! Don’t try to randomly communicate to every subscriber; instead try to create personalized messages and send them to people who have recently engaged with your site. That’s why occasionally updating your lists is a must, so you can remove those users that haven’t cared about your emails in a long time.

What kinds of automated campaigns can you set up? 

  • Welcome Series: Make a good first impression when someone new subscribes to you! Welcome them to your community and give them a promo code for their first purchase or keep them posted on your upcoming sales, events, or anything that may interest them.
  • Thank You: After someone buys from your site, send them a Thank You message with information on complementary products they could purchase, how to take care of what they bought, or similar products they may like in order to foster loyalty.
  • Browse or Cart Abandonment: It is common for shoppers to browse for specific products or even add them to their cart and then leave without checking out. Take advantage of this and send them encouraging messages to reevaluate and, ultimately, to drive them to complete their purchase.
  • Product Recommendations: This is a great way to upsell – send the customer emails showcasing add-ons for what they already purchased or any related item they may not have seen. This is a good option even months after a purchase, if the item they bought is something that needs refills you sell!
  • Date-Based Automations: Birthdays and anniversaries can be a great excuse to try to reengage with your audience while making them feel special. Say Happy Birthday or remind them it’s their 1-year anniversary of joining your community. These celebratory messages may prompt them to check out your site and purchase again.

Get Started Today

Automation empowers marketers to connect with customers at every point in their journey, and it helps create a customer experience that fosters lifelong loyalty. Talk to your Listrak Account Manager to ensure you have the right drip campaigns in place and that they are optimized for your unique customer base.

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