Gone are the days of tradition; Popup Pro is here to shake up the game.

We’ve always been a fan of on-site acquisitions – especially popups. Your website gets a steady stream of traffic every day, and popups are a fantastic strategy to help turn that website traffic into subscribers and regular purchasers.

Popups traditionally have had a pretty straightforward strategy: a customer visits your website, the popup appears and asks them for their email addresses, they enter it, and the experience is over.

With our new popup builder, Popup Pro, we’re about to turn that tradition on its head. With a number of Google- and GDPR-compliant strategies and designs, you can create effective popups that change the status quo, while also combating the decline in acquisition since Google’s 2017 policy changes.

There are a number of new ways to use popups to interact with your website visitors and enhance their shopping experiences by targeting them at different points during their time on your website.

Offer a “Maybe Later” option for those with cold feet

Hooray! A new visitor hits your site! A few seconds later, your popup displays in an attempt to grab that potential new friend’s email address. Seeing this, your visitor thinks, “Hey, we just met. Things are moving a little too fast. Let’s get to know each other first.” They hit “Maybe later” and close the popup.

In the past, this was the last that visitor would’ve seen your popup for at least another month (or until they cleared their cookies). But now, that “Maybe later” option truly does mean “Maybe later.” Now when your user hits “Maybe later,” your popup will close and a sticky button will take its place on the next page they visit. This button will then follow your visitor around the website, allowing them to explore your brand and products, but still giving them the option to subscribe when they’re finally ready to take that next step.

This strategy is perfect if you have hefty list growth goals.

Try something new with a scroll or page load trigger

Place your popup on the pages your visitors might be spending the most time on, such as your category and product pages. Wait for your visitor to scroll down or visit two or three pages, and then it’s your time to shine! Display your popup and encourage the shopper to sign up and hear about new arrivals, exclusive sales, and product recommendations just for them.

Not only is this strategy an awesome way to show your shoppers that you’re there to help them find exactly what you need (positioning yourself as their favorite, go-to brand), but you’re also more likely to garner more engaged and active subscribers for your list.em the option to subscribe when they’re finally ready to take that next step.

Don’t forget your mobile audience!

You’re checking out your website stats and realize that a whopping 50% of your visitors are on mobile. That’s a whole lot of email addresses you could be collecting, right? With Google compliance in mind, you consider what mobile popup option to choose: button or banner. But there’s a new strategy that’s now available in Popup Pro.

With Popup Pro, you now have more freedom to mix up your mobile acquisition strategy.

You can choose a responsive template or even duplicate your desktop popup and configure it to only show to mobile visitors – whatever works for you!

Once you have your design, try something different and display your mobile popup based on scroll or second page load. That way you’re not only reaching out to mobile visitors that have shown shopping intent (like the strategy above), but you’re also remaining Google compliant. It’s a win-win!

Another awesome part about this strategy? You’re giving yourself access to impressions and acquisitions for desktop versus mobile – something you weren’t able to do before!

Sounds like popups can be pretty targeted. Any other personalization tactics available?

I'm glad you asked, because, yes, targeting isn't limited to page of session, device or even intent-based triggering.

Popups can be personalized with product recommendations, just like your email campaigns. This is particularly useful for Exit Popups to help engage shoppers and keep them on browsing additional products on your site.

Are there any unique popup strategies you’ve wanting to try with Popup Pro?

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