As tradeshow season kicks off, many retailers will be walking the tradeshow floors shopping for new marketing tech partners. Listrak understands that finding the right vendor can be challenging, but the rewards are high when you select right! Therefore, we've complied useful tips, advice, and questions to ask during your search.

Know The difference between Point Solutions and Unified Platforms

There are many unified platforms out there because of business acquisitions and consolidation. Make sure they are who they say they are. Learn the company’s history. Dig in more and ask - How are solutions built and connected? Is your customer data consolidated? Can you build out cross-channel flows without collision or overlap?

Point solutions are laser-focused on a single channel for maximum performance and revenue. Therefore, you’ll need multiple vendors to complete your tech stack, which means a higher Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Think about your team resources and the ability to manage multiple vendors and untangle competitive attribution claims.

Understand How Features Work from Vendor to Vendor

Today, most vendors check all the feature and capability boxes on an RFP form. Ask tough questions to uncover the nuances and details of feature functionality and sophistication. No two vendors offer the exact same feature-functionality, no matter what they claim.

Human Expertise and Support are Just as Critical as the Tech Itself

No marketing team should be given a login and password and told, “Good Luck.” So, don’t be shy to ask – Do you have dedicated account managers? What is your client NPS score? What does Support look like? You deserve white-glove service and shouldn’t settle for anything less.

Know How Each Vendor Sends 

Don’t risk your sending reputation. For email a native send engine ensures deliverability and inbox placement. If the vendor is using a 3rd party send engine know that it will compromise the control of these. For SMS, make sure your partner works with a Tier 1 aggregator with direct connections to carriers. 

Don’t Go Easy on Data Privacy

Data privacy is too important not to ask about. Questions like - Where is your customer data stored? Is my data being shared as part of a co-op or other inter-client exchange? must be asked. 

Lean on Social Proof 

Look to industry peers and current clients/users of the platform. That is where you’ll hear true, unbiased stories of how the platform really performs.  

Ask for a Reference Call

During the RFP process, ask for reference clients who can substantiate the engagement and revenue results the vendor is quoting as client successes. 

Review Uptime Performance

Don’t risk your revenue. Before you select your partner, check uptime performance using a reputable third-party site to see for yourself the vendor’s real-time activity. (Check out

The Final Decision Should Come from Marketing 

IT is often part of a company’s tech vendor evaluations and decisions. Yet marketing has the revenue number to hit, and overall growth is the goal. Make sure Marketing leads the process and confidently selects the vendor who will help deliver those numbers successfully, YOY. 

Getting Started?

Partnering with the right digital marketing platform is critical for your revenue success. Don’t rush the evaluation process, and follow the tips we’ve laid out above. When you do, the right partner will show itself in its functionality, expertise, support, and results. 

We’d love to show you how Listrak checks these boxes – reach out here

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