Leveraging first-party data is critical to maximizing your digital marketing program revenue and engagement. Personalization has always been a proven strategy to connect with customers, but it’s incredibly compelling now with more channels to coordinate and continued progress towards a cookie-less landscape. Listrak is proud to offer an integration with Twilio Segment, providing a seamless way to share first-party data between platforms.

Twilio Segment is a customer data platform used by over 25,000 businesses to collect, clean, and activate their data. Twilio Segment collects data and tracks events from integrated sites, platforms, and apps to provide invaluable customer and product insights. Through our integration, you can use Listrak as a Source or Destination to share data back and forth. This collaboration offers even more opportunities to take your digital marketing program to the next level.

How Does It Work?

When using Listrak as a Source with Twilio Segment - you can pass your email engagement data and activity back to their data warehouse for additional storage and audience creation.

When using Listrak as a Destination with Twilio Segmentation - you can send data and audiences created within Twilio Segment to use as part of your email strategy.

Our integration enables you to manage your first-party data to enhance your strategies further and efficiently. Use cases include retargeting, cross-channel orchestration, coupon management, and more.

What Data Points Can I Use with Listrak As a Source?

Data points currently available to send to Twilio Segment through our integration directly from your Listrak email program:

  • Sends
  • Opens
  • Clicks
  • Conversions
  • Bounced
  • Abuse Complaints
  • Unsubscribe Events

How Do I Integrate?

Both the Listrak Help Center and Twilio Segment Documentation Center have integration guides and instructions that make it easy for your development team. You can quickly complete the setup with just a few settings within each platform and some ID mappings. 

Get Started Today

Talk with your Account Manager; the Listrak Support Team can assist with integration as needed.

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